Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Flo Toilet saves you on water and yoga

A team of ASU College of Design students, led by faculty members John Takamura and Dosun Shin, hopes to change the toilet archetype with their “Go With the Flo” design by the year 2030. The unusual trans-generational toilet design concept grabbed the “Breaking the Rules Silver Award” at the Northwest Design Invitational. The toilet concept met five “outstanding design” criteria - appropriate aesthetics, design innovation, ecological responsibility and market and user benefits. The ergonomic Flo toilet is a sustainable design concept for baby boomers, which functions like a squat toilet. The usage of the toilet, in a way, is very similar to yoga. It helps build and strengthen abdominal and back muscles. Flushing requires just one-half to one gallon of water. The Flo features an electromagnetic ball valve that flushes water from the tanks to the toilet. The Go With the Flo toilet is independent of electric power and doesn’t feature any mechanical parts.

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